Dr. Josef Steiner
The Dr. Josef Steiner Cancer Research Foundation

1988 3. Dr. Josef Steiner Cancer Research Prize

Dr. Mariano Barbacid

Dr. Mariano Barbacid

Head, Developmental

Oncology Section

National Cancer Institute

Frederick Research Facility

Frederick, Maryland 21701


Mariano Barbacid has done excellent work over the past five years in plotting activation of ras-oncogenes in chemically induced rat mammary carcinoma. His work has shown repeated activation of a specific ras-oncogene through repeated mutation at a specific nucleotide site.

Mariano Barbacid was awarded for providing evidence that the interaction of a carcinogen with a ras-proto-oncogene creates the event that initiates tumor formation.

Thomas Graf

Thomas Graf

Program Coordinator

Cell Differentiation

European Molecular

Biology Laboratory

D-6900 Heidelberg


Dr. Hartmut Beug

Dr. Hartmut Beug

Group Leader

Differentiation Program

European Molecular

Biology Laboratory

D-6900 Heidelberg


The work of Thomas Graf and Hartmut Beug has been so conjoined over the past years that their individual contributions are hardly discerned from outside. They have done superb work over the past five years, studying the effects of various retrovirus oncogenes on proliferation and differentiation of avian haematopoetic cells.

Thomas Graf and Hartmut Beug were awarded for having defined the exquisite target specificities of various avian retroviral oncogenes (erb A and erb B).